Monday, November 24, 2008

Week 2 Summary

Last week I put together a 3 page initial treatment for "Deep Blue" outlining the key game mechanics. I designed a preliminary logo for the game and carried it over to a new title screen. I designed the "How to Play" modal window. I was able to make a lot of progress on the player sub, but nothing really solid yet for the enemy subs.

From a programming standpoint I discovered the source of my instant movement on the player sub...I'd left an initial velocity test variable. I was able to drop in some testing text into the game screen so I can easily output different variables and watch their values as I play. Very helpful for testing. Even better, the test text display is a part of a defined #test mode in code so I can display them or not display them simply by commenting out a single line.

The ability to display a few variables on the screen has helped me narrow down a couple of bugs and I feel confidant that I'm very close to resolving the stretching issue with the splash and title screens as well as fixing the sub controls which are still a little off.

The bad news is, with the holidays coming up the need for cash may mean that "Deep Blue" gets sidelined for a bit so I can work on some commissioned illustrations.

All-in-all, I was only able to put about 10 hours of work in last week, which is a little less than I'd hoped for.

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