Saturday, November 29, 2008

Can't Seem to Stop

I know I said I was taking a break this week to handle other matters, but with the holiday and the few day's off from work I couldn't resist. Just having too much fun.

Bad me, I went into this week without any weekly goals (other than not working on the game). So from that stand point I guess I failed. I think I split my hours between programming and design about half and half this week. From the programming side I created a method to fade screens in, added enemy ships moving through the water, fixed the player's controls, added 'gravity' to the player sub and did a good deal of refactoring of code tidying up things. Names of many things to changed to support multiplayer play and I made a gameScreen class to make it easier to make screens like the splash screen, title screen, and game over screens. I also dropped some basic values and display for the in-game UI elements.

From the design side I wrapped up version one of the player sub, called the "Manta", which resembles the shape found in the game logo. It was a tough decision whether to go with hand painted art, or 3D rendered art. I actually really like the look of the painted background so we're sticking with a hand painted look for all the art elements.

Here's the final art, many times larger than what you'll see in the game but I felt the extra details didn't hurt.

From Development of "Deep Blue"

Hopefully, by the end of this weekend I'll have an update video for "Week 3".

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