Monday, August 2, 2010

Much Calmer Now

Ok, after saying “To heck with it!”, and '”it” being Visual Studio 2008, 2010, and any kind of converter, and any way to create a new project…I gave creating a new project one last shot which resulted in the same apparent lock up as all the other attempts before. The difference is, this time I was so frustrated I left it ‘locked up’ and walked away to do something else on another computer.

Wouldn’t you know 3 minutes later Visual Studio 2008 decided it had thought long enough about creating a new project and…did. So I saved out that new project as a timer and interpolator test project to play around with and got back to important stuff…like playing Starcraft II.

So I had plenty of time to cool down after the 2 hours or so of completely wasted time earlier today, and I was able to go through Nick G’s tutorial in a breeze.

I’m pretty sure that system is the better way to go so the next step is to go back and try implementing it again in “Deep Blue”.

The bad news is the real possibility that I could be in serious trouble if I HAVE to upgrade “Deep Blue” to a Visual Studio 2010 project…since still, only one file successfully converted.

Hopefully I can finish it before the Visual Studio 2010 project becomes a requirement.

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