Saturday, July 4, 2009

All Hail 4-Day Weekends

Thanks to the 4th of July, I've got a 4 day weekend and I'm determined to make a good amount of headway on "Deep Blue". I'm currently finishing up the main menu screen and dealing with resolution variations for different TV's .

I'm pretty much cycling through the following steps: program something, play/debug, then review for clean up.

Some of this C# must be sinking in because the amount of "what the heck was I thinking!" during the review process has gotten much less frequent.

Soon I'll turn back to design, user interface specifically, and story. I'm not looking for an epic backstory here, just a little something that makes a little sense for what you're doing underwater.

But for to July 4th barb-b-que and fireworks.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Still poking along at about 1/4 speed

Work had me pretty tied up last week but this weekend I've managed to get a little done on the main menu screen. Special thanks to Matt Schmulen for his assistance on casting, and then for getting things really rolling on the main menu.

I also have the oxygen tank pickup in the game but I need to place a timer on the respawn of it. Right now it spawns another one the instant the first one leaves the screen for any reason.

I'll post an updated video once I get a few more art updates in place.