Thursday, November 5, 2009

Unity 3d is now FREE

A 3d engine that's caught a lot of attention lately from the likes of EA and myself is Unity 3d. Mr. Chris Griffith at work showed it off a couple of years ago. At that time it was Mac only, which didn't help us out much, but it's come a long way since then.

The MMO "Fusion Fall" was created with it, as is the upcoming Tiger Woods Online among other games. Anyhow...the point to this the title would suggest is that they have opted to drop the $200 license fee for the indy license.

The other cool thing is that they "Unity" has reported that it is...or will soon be...compatible with the 360. Sweet! The only real question is whether or not the 360 export will be included with the indy version.

I'll definitely be playing around with it sometime in the future, and researching it as a possible 3d engine.

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