Sunday, October 4, 2009

Deep Blue 2.0

Things are moving pretty well with the restructuring. Here's a list of some of the changes, both big and small.

- (new) Logo screen with an image that may be swapped with a video before launched.
- (new functionality) Pop up windows ("How to Play" and "Credits") support multiple pages and an "open/close" state.
- (change) Projectiles are now stored in a List instead of an array to support infinite shots and stop the rubberbanding on the shotgun weapon.
- (new) Level object created, to support actual level design over the random spawn style game. Levels are designed and read in from a .txt file.
- (change) Enemies are now stored in a List instead of an array to support a variable number of enemies per level, as part of the level design change.
- (change) various cleanups of methods and classes.
- (change) and the big change was that the whole system is built in a modular fashion, instead of 90% of the code being found in one file. Individual classes for game screens, pickups, enemies, player, weapons, UI...etc. This was the entire reason for the teardown, so that the code could much more easily be modified for future games. It's also much easier to read through.

Still have a ways to go, but things are headed in the right direction now.

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