Here are some interesting bits I've learned throughout the course of the project. - 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water.
- Bouyancy of an object underwater decreases as depth increases.
- We know more about the surface of the moon than the deepest parts of the ocean.
- Modern submarines create breathable oxygen by electrolysis of water.
- A fathom is 6 ft deep.
- Water shooting from a deep thermal vent can reach temperatures of over 750 degrees but the extreme high pressure keeps it from boiling.
- In extremely deep water sound travels at almost a mile a second, over 5 times the speed of sound in the air.
- Most scientists agreed that life could not be sustained at the bottom of the deepest parts of the ocean. They were proved wrong when two men saw fish swimming at the bottom of the Marianas Trench at 35,761 ft below sea level. That was in 1960. They sat on the bottom of the ocean for 20 minutes before starting the 4 hour trip back to the surface. That was the last time anyone has been to the bottom.
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