Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010!

So here we are at the beginning of a new year. Development is still moving along, slowly but moving none-the-less. And I continue to feel more familiar with C# and XNA as things progress. Recently in the XBox indie game library a company called Arkedo Studio has been releasing very well produced, high polish, yet relatively simple games. And I mean "simple" in the best way. The games are incredibly easy to pick up and play. Each has it's own cleverness and/or cuteness. And each has it's own look and feel, yet they all manage to maintain a 'family' style about them.

They are, in my opinion, some of the best, most professional games in the indie marketplace. They also are very limited in what they offer. There is no multiplayer, no save, no achievements or awards, and I have yet to see any kind of customization or personalization in the games. They are, in a way, a nod back to the 25 cent arcade days. Drop in a quarter, play till you die then start the thing all over again.

Of course, the down side to that approach (at least for the player) is they get very familiar with the beginning levels which they can grow tired of early. The up side is almost purely on the development side. It's a lot easier to develop a game when you don't have to worry about multiplayer, signing in, save points, etc.

Yet there are games, current games, that live almost entirely in the replayable world. The first that comes to mind is "Left 4 Dead". Sure, there's an initial exploration and discovery phase to the game the first couple of times through, but after that thanks to the dynamic in-game "director" the game retains a very high replay experience.

So, is there a way to combine the developmental efficiency of Arkedo Studio's "simple" approach with the dynamic replay value of Left 4 Dead? It might be a variation in weapons, ammo, level layout, depth (water), or a variety of other levers and switches

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