Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back at it, with a new strategy

Ok, so although I've had a rush of other things that have popped Cub Scouts and Scribblenauts...I have to say I've been a little discouraged with "Deep Blue". I had the goal of breaking the game and restructuring it, then putting it back together. Well, I managed to do the first part reeeeaaaally well. Maybe a little too well.

I've had trouble finding a way to approach "fixing" the code. I begun following the flow of the game from the beginning and fixing things that were broken along the way, but with the whole thing a wreck it made it impossible to compile and thus, test.

Then I tried looking at the debug code and fixing things one class at a time, beginning with the class with the least amount of errors. I found it proved very hard to tell if I was making progress or not. Again, without the ability to compile, it's hard to get a good feel for progress.

I THINK the restructuring was going pretty well. It definately cleaned up the main game class a ton, but I had no way to test.

So I spoke with a couple of friends at work skilled in programming and Mr. Jim Montgomery (honestly one of the most impressive sounding names at work, you really have to say the whole thing) suggested commenting virtually everything out in the main game class, just to get the game to compile and slowly turn things on one piece at a time.

So that's was the new plan. Even if I had to comment it down to a blue screen, I was going to get it to run again.

After my initial tests, things seem a little better than the worst case senario...after a ton of commenting I've returned to a logo screen, to a splash screen, to a menu screen (and the menu still works). And now begins the slow process of turning things back on and fixing as I go.

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